Failure is your friend!
Posted on 18th May 2018 at 21:46
We are all conditioned over time to be afraid of failing as by doing so we often feel like we aren’t up to the mark. Like we are not good enough to be doing what we want to do or are unable of reaching our dreams and goals. True for many people how choose to think like that but I have learned that it’s the hardships, knocks and curve balls that life has thrown at me that have made me stronger. Each time life has not worked out as I have expected for me, something better has arrived around the corner. A few times I have lost sight of what is important, and I have received a jolt to reset me back on my destined path! I do believe in fate and I feel I have really found my niche in my career, and I feel incredibly lucky and grateful for all my failures for without them I would not have come as far as I have or be going as far I am! For I have not finished yet by a long shot!