Feeling Flat? Maybe you need to reconnect with your “why”.
Posted on 9th August 2018 at 16:40
A common problem for us all.
This came up yesterday whilst training my client Louise. Louise has been with me a year now and really enjoys her sessions. She is much fitter and is maintaining her current weight. However, she feels she has plateaued and still not entirely happy with how she looks. She told me “I still do not like myself in trousers they just don’t fit like they should”.
All the small things!
After seeing my video on social media about my 28 day plans it made her look her eating habits again. “I admit they have slipped” she said. I asked her why she felt they had slipped. Louise said, “I just, over indulged at the weekends, have the odd glass of wine in the week and snack here and there”. It does not sound like much, it’s just what we all do, but it’s the small things over time that add up.