Back to School! But are you above or below the line? Its all a matter of choice!
Posted on 5th September 2018 at 16:30
Yes the children have finally gone back to school! I understand that not everyone has children but it does seem to be a marker in the calendar from a health and fitness perspective! I guess that is because of the change in the weather, most people have had their annual summer holiday and is getting back into the swing of their routine again. Well that is certainly the case for me!
And like everyone else I have over indulged a little (well it has just been my birthday – that’s no excuse by the way!) I have definitely put on some weight not just muscle either I have a little too much fat too!
But what has this got to do with a line? Well this is about something my business coach has taught me and it applies to all aspects of life not just my business! The line I am talking about is The Line of Choice!