Why is it good to not be ok?
Posted on 28th June 2018 at 21:33
After training my client this evening I have felt inspired to write about why it is actually a really good thing to not be ok and recognise you’re not ok! The moment you become aware that you are not ok is the moment you can take steps to change.
We all tend to say to everyone else and even more so to ourselves that yeah, I’m alright. Its normal to be unhappy and dissatisfied with work, life, body shape, fitness, financial situations or whatever your gripe may be. Its common to hear well everyone else has the same problems, I’m not the only one! Then we just settle for our lot. Make our beds and sleep in it. We play the victim to life and circumstances and wallow in our own little world and think is this as good as it gets!?
Sometimes we feel everything is going wrong for us as we as so unwilling to address our unhappiness that we attract more of the same and end up being even more unhappy. The law of attraction is a powerful thing be careful what you wish for as you may just get it. I know you are all thinking I have not wished for negative to things to happen, but our minds only recognise the thoughts we have. For example, I once reversed my car into a skip. The skip had been outside my house for a whole week, so I knew it was there. I remember thinking I bet I reverse into that soon if its not moved! The next day I did exactly that at 5.30am, it was dark and I was on my way out to a bikini posing camp in London! I smashed the rear light and needed a new back wing and tail gate. Another insurance claim!! ARGGGHHH